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Help keep the winter blues at bay





With the weather getting colder and the days becoming shorter, some people are noticing they have less energy and aren’t feeling as positive as they usually do. While these feelings may be temporary for some, around one in three people consistently struggle through the autumn and winter months with a type of depression known as seasonal affective disorder  (Sad).

Symptoms of Sad can vary from mild to severe, but typically include:

  • Low mood
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in things you previously enjoyed
  • Change in appetite (usually eating more than usual)
  • Change in sleep (typically too much sleep)
  • Feeling worthless

For students in Leeds, there are many outlets in which you can seek help if you feel like the weather, your studies, work or the ongoing pandemic are getting too much for you. Each Uni has a dedicated support team, who are there for you to help and support however they can


The Student Counselling and Wellbeing Service remains open with all support now being offered remotely by Zoom. or you can email the mental health team on or call 0113 343 4107. For student counselling email   or call the team on 0113 343 4107.

The Student Counselling Centre provides counselling help to students who are experiencing emotional or psychological difficulties. It also aims to promote emotional well-being by offering a variety of activities designed to enhance students’ coping skills during potentially stressful situations, with an increasing emphasis on using preventative measures. .


Leeds Beckett Student Union has a Mental Health Hub signposting students to some of the local and national support available for anyone who is struggling (


LTU Students can find a range of support on the myLTU app (available for Android and Apple).  Here you’ll find two main “tiles” to focus on “mental health” and “help”.  These enable Students to self-refer and book in appointments for mental health, finance, practical issues, disability and academic support.

And if you are struggling with access to the app but wanted to refer for mental health support then they can refer directly via this link which will go straight to the referral form:

West Yorkshire 24 Hour Mental Health Helpline 

0800 183 0558

This is a 24 hour Yorkshire NHS service staffed by trained mental health professionals who can listen and support you as well as connecting you with other local and national services.

These Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) focused self-help videos are free via Leeds NHS


There is a wealth of support on offer from Leeds mental health charity MIND

Leeds Mental Wellbeing Service

The NHS mental health and wellbeing service in Leeds (available to all LTU Students) offering a range of therapies, groups and webinars via online and face to face means.


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